Roman Catholic Diocese of Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti

The Diocese of Altamura - Gravina - Acquaviva delle Fonti (Latin: Dioecesis Altamurensis - Gravinensis - Aquavivensis ) is a diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Italy, based in Altamura.

It was founded in 1248 as a prelature of Altamura. Located in the ecclesiastical province of Bari Prelature changed on August 17, 1848 her name on Altamura e delle Fonti Acquaviva.

On 30 September 1986 united with the diocese of Gravina and so collected by the rank of a prelate to a bishopric, now it reached a size of 1,309 km ².

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti
