Roman Catholicism in Burkina Faso

The Roman Catholic Church in Burkina Faso is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and curia in Rome.


10% of the Burkinabe are Catholics. The largest diocese, Ouagadougou, counts 497,540 Catholics. It is followed by the diocese Koudougou with 259 634 and 257 103 with the Archdiocese Koupéla Catholics.

Chairman of the Bishops' Conference Burkina Faso and Niger is Archbishop François Séraphin Rouamba. Paul Cardinal Zoungrana MAFR, Archbishop of Ouagadougou, 1965 by Pope Paul VI. appointed the first Burkinabe cardinal. Apostolic Nuncio in Burkina Faso is Archbishop Vito Rallo.

Pope John Paul II visited in 1980 and 1990 Burkina Faso.

The Roman Catholic Church in Burkina Faso is divided into three archdioceses and suffragan dioceses belonging to eleven.

Dioceses in Burkina Faso

  • Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso: Diocese of Banfora, Dédougou diocese, diocese Diébougou, Gaoua diocese, Diocese of Nouna
  • Archdiocese Koupéla: Diocese of Dori, Fada N'Gourma diocese, Diocese of Kaya
  • Archdiocese of Ouagadougou: Koudougou diocese, Diocese of Manga, Diocese of Ouahigouya