

Rossemaison is a municipality in the district Delémont the canton of Jura in Switzerland. The former German name Rottmund is no longer used today.


Rossemaison is located on 455 m above sea level. M., 2 km south of the cantonal capital of Delémont. The village is located on a gently sloping hillside in the north central part of the basin Dels Berger, a broad valley in the Jura folds.

The area of ​​only 1.9 km ² large municipality area includes a small section in the central part of the intensively farmed level of Dels Berger basin. The community area ranges from 425 m above sea level. M. underlying level of Sorne, a left tributary of the Birs, to the southeast up to the Montchaibeux. This wooded hill, an isolated hill in Delémont, is 627 m above sea level. M. the highest point of the municipality. From the municipality surface 1997 12 % came from settlements, 18% of forest and woody plants and 71% to agriculture.

Neighboring communities of Rossemaison are Courtetelle, Delémont, Courrendlin and Châtillon.


With a population of 585 (as at 31 December 2012) Rossemaison one of the smaller municipalities in the canton of Jura. Of the 93.4 % inhabitants are French-speaking, German-speaking 4.0 % and 2.2 % Italian-speaking (as of 2000). The population of Rossemaison amounted in 1850 to 185 residents in 1900 to 192 inhabitants. Thanks to the proximity of Delémont the population has increased steadily in recent decades. Today Rossemaison is almost grown together with the southern commercial and industrial zone of Delémont.


The community was predominantly agricultural until the second half of the 20th century. In recent decades, however, has changed Rossemaison to the living, on the eastern edge of the village there is a large living area. Since it outside the agricultural sector are hardly any jobs in the village, many employed workers are (approximately 60%) commuters, they mainly work in the near Delémont.


Although Rossemaison located away from thoroughfares, but it is still comparatively well developed transport. On the northern outskirts of the village the bypass Délemont along the A16 motorway, which is to be connected by 2015 both to the Swiss national road network as well as to the French motorway network. The village is served by a bus line that runs from Delémont Châtillon.


For the first time Rossemaison 1194 is mentioned as Rondemunt, which goes back to the Latin mons rotundus ( Round Mountain, namely the Montchaibeux ). 1462 appears the name Rose Mason. The place belonged to the provost Moutier- Grandval and retained even after the Reformation, the Catholic faith at. From 1797 to 1815 belonged Rossemaison to France and was initially part of the département du Mont- Terrible, associated from 1800 with the Department of Haut -Rhin. By the decision of the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the village came to the Canton of Bern to the district of Moutier. The residents of Rossemaison voted in the Juraplebisziten always for the creation of the Canton of Jura. As a border town in the district Moutier Rossemaison decided in the referendum of September 7, 1975 for the Canton of Jura, entered 1976 in the District Delémont over and came up with this on 1 January 1979 at the newly founded Canton Jura.


The former chapel of Notre- Dame de la Salette was built in 1869-70. Since 1983 it is located in the cultural center of the community. Rossemaison formerly belonged to the parish Courrendlin.
