
Russula compacta

The Täublingsartigen ( Russulales ) are an order of large fungi from the class of Agaricomycetes.


The order of Täublingsartigen includes species and genera whose " fruiting body - building plans " look completely different - here is a selection:

Microscopic characteristics of Russulales are dyeable with iodine ornaments of spores, the presence of the Russulaceae Gloeozystidialsystems and the existence of the spherical cells in the flesh of the fruit bodies.


The systematics of Russulales is changing. In particular, molecular genetic findings can be expected with further changes.

The species from the family of Täublingsverwandten ( Russulaceae ) have traditionally been in the order summarized with aboveground, articulated in stem and fruit hat bodies and compared with the family of Täublingstrüffelverwandten ( Elasmomycetaceae ) with underground or belly fungal fruiting bodies.

Based on molecular genetic studies today include the following families to the order of Täublingsartigen:
