Sacred Heart

The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an expression of Catholic spirituality. Here, Jesus Christ is worshiped in terms of its symbolized by his heart love. Basic text from the Gospel (Jn 19,34 EU) or (Jn 7,37 f EU): the pierced heart of the Crucified as the source of the sacraments of the Church. In the Preface of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus says:

" Out of his side flow of blood and water from his pierced heart flow the sacraments of the Church. The heart of the Redeemer is open for all, that they draw joyfully from the springs of salvation. "

Origin and manifestations of the Sacred Heart devotion

Already in the early Church there was the idea of ​​a company resulting from the Heart of Jesus Church. In the transition of Christian antiquity to the Middle Ages, a Sacred Heart shaped from piety. There are comments from the Heart of Jesus in the Venerable Bede, Alcuin and Heliand.

In the Middle Ages there is a pronounced Sacred Heart worship with Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, Albertus Magnus, St. Francis of Assisi (Vision of San Damiano ) and Bonaventura.

Impetus to the Sacred Heart devotion came from the German mystics of the late Middle Ages, as Lutgard Tongeren, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Gertrude of Helfta and the Dominicans ( Henry Suso, Albertus Magnus, Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, and others). Gertrude of Helfta, called the Great, wrote down the signs of the Savior in messenger of divine love. In the high Middle Ages, the Sacred Heart devotion in the German area, but especially in southern Germany, was also promoted by the Franciscans. At the end of the Middle Ages and the early modern age were the Cologne Carthusians, among them particularly Ludolf of Saxony, Dionysius the Carthusian, and John Justus von Landsberg ( Lanspergius ), the main sponsor of the Sacred Heart devotion, said with them the influence of Dominicans and the mystics ( Lanspergius were the writings of Gertrude the Great out ) was very pronounced. The Carthusians in turn influenced important figures of Catholicism ' this time, such as the Saint. Peter Canisius. The idea of ​​atonement, who later at Holy. Margaret Mary Alacoque is in the foreground, began at the Carthusians rare, but clearly to emerge. The unfolding of the Sacred Heart Apostolate by the Carthusians was the last significant period up to the visions of Margaret Mary Alacoques. The influence of the Cologne Carthusians handed up to the school of Cardinal Pierre de Bérulle that significantly influenced the formation of the French clergy.

Saint Francis of Sales is considered the " mystics of the Sacred Heart " and applied this idea to the jointly founded with Jane Frances de Chantal from him the Order of the Visitation ( Salesian Sisters ). The French people missionary John Eudes, who was influenced by the school of Cardinal Pierre de Bérulle, built the first chapel dedicated to the Sacred Heart ( consecrated on September 4, 1655) and founded hundreds of lay brotherhoods under the patronage of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary; He is also the author of the first measurement form. The festival was celebrated at that time in October. Through the French Salesian Margaret Mary Alacoque, whose visions 1673-1675 revolved around the idea of atonement, the frequent reception of Communion and Sacred Heart Festival, the Sacred Heart devotion finally became a worldwide popular form of piety. The church recognized the Sacred Heart devotion now officially on and made them an integral part of the liturgy.

For the further shaping of the Sacred Heart devotion of all the mystics Maria Droste zu Vischering, Josefa Menéndez Mary Faustina Kowalska and were significantly in recent times. One particular form of the Sacred Heart devotion is the devotion of the Five Wounds of Jesus Christ, which goes back to the visions of the French Salesian Marie -Marthe Chambon.

A new variant of the Sacred Heart devotion shows the thinking of the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: For him, the heart of Jesus "the engine of evolution," and that is " dynamic principle of the world ."

Dissemination of the Sacred Heart devotion

The distribution of the Sacred Heart devotion is due to the Jesuits in particular, starting from Margaret Mary Alacoque and their confessor Claude de la Colombière SJ adopted this form of piety. The Jesuits spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart especially through they were directing parish missions.

After the dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1773, the Sacred Heart devotion was opposed by the Josephinism and the Enlightenment. A political accent received the Sacred Heart Adoration by the Tyrolean struggle for freedom and the vow of Andreas Hofer. The restoration of the Jesuits gave her a new lease. Strong growth came the Sacred Heart devotion in the late 18th and 19th century, when the feast of the Sacred Heart was included in the liturgical calendar of the universal Church. In Germany, the devotion to the Sacred Heart enjoyed a wide circulation during the Kulturkampf. As the Kulturkampf in 1875 was nearing its peak, was the consecration of all the Catholics of Germany to the Sacred Heart. In the second half of the 19th century the Sacred Heart devotion spread of thanks to the French Jesuits launched Apostleship of very strong. The monthly newsletter of the Apostleship of Prayer was the Messager du Cœur de Jésus - Bulletin mensuel de L' apostolate de la Prière ( dt: Messenger of the Sacred Heart ), published by Henri Ramière and has been translated into many languages. Thanks Ramière the Apostleship spread worldwide, including many religious communities joined him. At the time of his death, there were 35,000 contact points with about 13 million members worldwide. The early 1930s had the Apostleship of the 30 million members in Germany than 500,000. Club members in Germany were the messenger of the divine heart that Männerapostolat, maternal Sunday and wife and mother.

In the first half of the 20th century found the P. Mateo Crawley - Boevey SS.CC. launched " Sacred Heart throne surveys " very wide spread.


The first liturgical celebration was the Feast of the Holy Lance, the 1353 Pope Innocent VI. in the Roman Empire of the German Nation ansetzte for the second Friday after Easter. The German Dominicans celebrated since the Middle Ages the Feast of the Five Wounds. A Sacred Heart Festival in the 15th century is demonstrated in the Dominican nuns in sub Linden / Colmar.

The first Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart celebrated St. John Eudes in 1672.

On the third Friday after Pentecost, the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi earlier is the Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope Pius IX. 1856 introduced for the whole Church. In addition, the first Friday of each month of the Sacred Heart Friday. He is a preferred day for the administration of the hospital Communion and the exposition of the Blessed with the gift of the sacramental blessing. The missal contains the solemn masses votive Masses to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Consecrated in 1899 by Pope Leo XIII. the whole world to the Sacred Heart and was in the encyclical Annum Sacrum on his motives for it.

1928, Pope Pius XI. his encyclical Miserentissimus redemptor and wrote "about the reparations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus."

For the centenary of the introduction of Remembrance (1856 ), Pope Pius XII. on May 13, 1956, the encyclical Haurietis aquas ( " You will draw water ").

Although the historical development shows that the Sacred Heart devotion is not a purely Catholic phenomenon, it is often seen as a specifically religious piety form. However, she provides through her Christ-centered accent also ecumenical points of contact.

By Pope John Paul II the emphasis was placed on the mercy of God. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Sacred Heart devotion is summarized on christozentrischem foundation and newly recommended. Pope Benedict XVI. has taken in his first encyclical Deus Caritas est explicitly to the pierced heart of Jesus reference and called for a renewal of the Sacred Heart devotion in the Sacred Heart of Jesus June.


In pictorial representations of the Savior is often represented, the points to be visible, glowing with love heart. This heart is in contradiction to the anatomy usually in the middle of the upper chest area. This freedom of artistic representation suggests that it is not at the Sacred Heart devotion is an organ of the body but to the heart as the ancient symbol of love and the heart of the people. The burning love of Christ the Redeemer, is to be expressed.

Date of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart

The date of the Solemnity is from the date of the movable Easter dependent (third Friday after Pentecost).

  • 2013: June 07
  • 2014: June 27
  • 2015: June 12
  • 2016: June 03
  • 2017: June 23,

Religious communities (selection)

  • Arnstein Fathers
  • Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus
  • Dehonians ( Sacred Heart priest)
  • Sacred Heart Missionaries
  • List of Catholic Sacred Heart Religious Orders and Congregations

Popular piety

  • On the wood painting of Jesus Wettinger child is in the left chest area to see a heart-shaped Glutloch, which was caused by the fire in Wettingen Abbey on April 11, 1507.
  • The Folklore and open-air museum Roscheider yard has a large number of Sacred Heart figures, which can be seen in the exhibition area popular piety. They are complemented by a detailed description of the Sacred Heart devotion in the Trier area in the 19th century.
  • Since 1796 the state of Tyrol has entrusted the protection of the Heart of Jesus, this consecration is renewed annually on the feast of the Sacred Heart. Therefore, the heart of Jesus is understood in popular piety as the real sovereign of the country. This Sacred Heart fire are burned on the mountain slopes. Particularly well known is the Sacred Heart Painting in Innsbruck's Jesuit Church.