San Pedro de Curahuara Municipality

The municipality of San Pedro de Curahuara is a district in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The municipality of San Pedro de Curahuara is one of three Municipalities of the province of Gualberto Villarroel and is located in the central part of the province. It is bordered to the west by the municipality of Chacarilla, to the south by the department of Oruro, on the east by the municipality of Papel Pampa, and in the north by the province of flavor.

The municipality has 112 localities ( Localidades ), the central location of the municipality is San Pedro de Curahuara with 292 inhabitants in the western part of the municipality. Larger towns in the municipality are Araj Huma with 403 inhabitants and Chilahuala with 220 inhabitants. (2001)


The municipality of San Pedro de Curahuara located on the Bolivian Altiplano at an average altitude of 4000 meters east of the ridge of the Serranía de Huayllamarca and is bordered to the north by the Río Desaguadero.

The mean average temperature of the municipality is located at 9 ° C, the annual precipitation is about 450 mm. The region has a pronounced diurnal climate, the monthly average temperatures vary only slightly between 7 ° C in July and 11 ° C in December. the monthly rainfall are between 0-10 mm in the months of May to August and close to 100 mm from December to February.


The population of the municipality of San Pedro de Curahuara has more than doubled in the past two decades:

The life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 60.5 years, the infant mortality rate is 10.3 per cent ( 1992) declined to 7.1 percent in 2001.

The literacy rate for those over 19 years is 84.3 percent, and 93.8 percent, although in men and 73.3 percent for women ( 2001).

73.2 percent of the population speak Spanish, 96.8 percent speak Aymara, Quechua and 0.3 percent. (2001)

98.8 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 78.7 percent have no sanitary facilities ( 2001).

74.3 percent of households own a radio, a television 2.1 percent, 74.5 percent, a bicycle, a motorcycle 1.8 percent, 2.0 percent, a car, a refrigerator 0.0 percent, 0.4 percent phone. (2001)



The municipality is divided into the following eleven cantons ( cantones ):

  • Cantón Chilahuala - 220 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • Cantón Conchari - 215 inhabitants
  • Cantón German Busch - 97 inhabitants
  • Cantón Jalsuri - 737 inhabitants
  • Cantón Jankho Marca - 1,025 inhabitants
  • Pedro Domingo Murillo cantón - 1,298 inhabitants
  • Cantón Puerto Capitan Castrillo - 97 inhabitants
  • Cantón Rio Mulato Kari - 847 inhabitants
  • Cantón San Pedro de Curahuara - 1,570 inhabitants
  • Cantón Villa Manquiri - 998 inhabitants
  • Cantón Waldo Ballivián - 999 inhabitants