Tiraque Municipality

The municipality Tiraque is a district in the department of Cochabamba in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The municipality is Tiraque ( since the partition of 2009) is one of two Municipalities of the province Tiraque. It is bordered to the west by the province of Chapare, to the southwest by the province Punata, to the south by the province of Arani, on the east by the province of Carrasco, and on the northeast by the municipality of Shinahota.

The largest settlement in the center of the municipality is Tiraque with 1,906 inhabitants. (2001)


The municipality is located in the Cordillera Oriental Tiraque between the Bolivian Altiplano in the west and the Bolivian lowlands to the east. The climate is a typical diurnal climate in which the daily temperature fluctuations are more pronounced than the seasonal temperature differences.

The annual average temperature is 9-10 ° C and varies between 6 ° C in June / July and a good 11 ° C from October to December. The annual rainfall is about 500 mm, falling of which more than half in the three months humidity time from December to February, during the months of May to September have almost no rainfall.


The population of the municipality Tiraque has increased over the past two decades:

The proportion of the urban population for the still undivided municipality Tiraque (including the now independent municipality Shinahota ) was 12.2 percent, the life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 56.6 years.

The literacy rate in the over 19 year-olds for the still undivided municipality Tiraque was 74.2 percent, and 87.0 percent, although in men and 60.8 percent for women ( 2001).



The municipality Tiraque is divided today into the following two cantons ( cantones ):

  • Cantón Palca
  • Cantón Tiraque