Tone River

Kurihashi flow observation station ( June 2005)

The Tone (利 根 川Japanese, Tone- gawa ) is 322 km in length after the Shinano the second longest river in Japan. With 16,840 km ² But he has the largest catchment area.

Course of the river

The source of the tone is the mountain Ōminakami on the border of Gunma prefectures and Niigata. It flows in the prefectures of Gunma, Saitama, Ibaraki and Chiba following locations:


The tone was once known for having changed its course at times of flood. Today, it is difficult to determine its earlier history. Originally it flowed into the Tokyo Bay. Today the Edo empties into the Bay of Tokyo, a river that branches off from the Tone ( Flussbifurkation ).

As a result of the nuclear disaster of Fukushima radioactive concentrations of cesium of 110 becquerels per kilogram were found in silver carp in April 2012, which had been fished in the tone. The river is 180 km away from the Fukushima. Six fishing operation and 10 cities on Fkuss fishing was banned in clays.
