Tranquilo Capozzo

Tranquilo Capozzo ( born January 25, 1918 in the United States; † 14 May 2003 in Valle Hermoso, Córdoba Province) was an Argentine rower.

Capozzo grew up in the United States and came at the age of 18 years to Argentina. At the Olympics 1948 he went to the One; He retired to eventual bronze medalist Romolo Catasta from Italy in the semifinals.

1952 trust him, the association for age reasons no single start, but offered a start in the double sculls with Eduardo Guerrero. Capozzo refused at first, because Guerrero was too undisciplined, but relented finally. The two Argentines won at the 1952 Olympics before the boats from the Soviet Union and from Uruguay. The gold medal for the two rowers was not only the only Olympic gold medal for Argentina in the 1952 Olympics and the only gold medal in rowing for Argentina in the Olympics at all, it was also the last Olympic victory for Argentine athletes until 2004, the year after Capozzos death.
