
Zlata ( gold German village) is a village in the Czech Republic. It is located seven kilometers north-east of Říčany and belongs to Okres Praha- východ.


Zlata is located on the Bohemian panel in the valley of the creek Dobročovický. Southeast of the knoll Na Plachtě collected ( 391 m).

Neighboring towns are Dobročovice in the north, and Úvaly Hostín in the northeast, Škvorec in the east, and Třebohostice Doubek in the southeast, and Babický Babice in the south, and Březí Křenice the southwest, Sluštice in the west and Sibřina and Květnice in the northwest.


The first written mention of Zlata dates back to 1357th Until 1563 the village belonged to the gentry along with Sluštice Královice and Křenice. As part of the division received Mathias Pechanec of Kralowitz the yard Sluštice and the festivals Zlata. Pechanec died without an heir and bequeathed his estate in 1568 to Nicholas Skalský of Dubé. After the Battle of White Mountain in the possession of the Skalský was confiscated and sold Zlata together with Sluštice and Třebohostice 1623 to Charles of Liechtenstein. This closed the villages to the rule Škvorec, who remained subservient to the middle of the 19th century.

After the abolition of patrimonial Zlata formed in 1850 a district of the municipality in the district Český Brod Sluštice. In 1900, Zlata consisted of 21 houses and had 134 inhabitants. 1919 Zlata formed a separate municipality. After the dissolution of Český Brod Okres Zlata 1961 assigned to the Okres Praha- východ. Between 1980 and 1990 the village was incorporated to Škvorec.


  • Old quarry on the top of " Na Plachtě "
  • Postal sance, archaeological site, south-west of the Výmola at Březí