Janice Hahn

Janice Kay Hahn ( born March 30, 1952 in Los Angeles, California) is an American politician. Since 2011, it represents the state of California in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Janice Hahn studied until 1974 at the Abilene Christian University in Texas. After that, she worked as a teacher and private businesswoman. They also began a political career as a member of the Democratic Party. In 1993, she ran unsuccessfully for even the Los Angeles City Council. From 1997 to 1999 she was a member of the Municipal Reform Commission. In 1998, a failed first candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives. Between 2001 and 2011, she then sat in the City Council their hometown. In 2010, it sought unsuccessfully to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of California.

Following the resignation of Congresswoman Jane Harman Hahn was at the due election for the 36th seat of California with 54.6 % of the vote against Republican Craig Huey in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC chosen, where they took up their new mandate on 12 July 2011. It belongs to the Committee on Internal Security. After another re-election in 2012 Mrs. Hahn represents January 3, 2013 as the successor to Ken Calvert the 44th constituency of their state.

Janice Hahn is divorced and has three adult children. Her older brother, James, was from 2001 to 2005 mayor of Los Angeles. She lives privately in San Pedro.

In the course of the civil war in Syria, she refused a military strike.
