1894 in film

Movie Calendar ◄ | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | Film 1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 | ► | ► ► More events


  • January 7: William KL Dickson filmed his assistant Fred Ott sneezing. This creates for a first closeup shot. Fred Ott's Sneeze is also the oldest registered with the United States Copyright Office and protected with a paper print film.
  • April 14: On Broadway in New York opens a precursor of the cinema with the Kinetoscope Parlor Brothers Holland. However, up to 30 seconds long movies can be viewed by one person at a time.
  • In Paris, the Lumière brothers working on Cinématographe who is logged in the following year for a patent.
  • William KL Dickson Dickson Experimental Sound tried using the film to include a recording with movie recording synchronously. The project failed.


January to March

  • 03 January: ZaSu Pitts, American actress († 1963)
  • January 11: Alexander Hall, American film director († 1968)
  • 01 February: John Ford, American film director († 1973)
  • 08 February: King Vidor, American film director († 1982)
  • FEBRUARY 14: Jack Benny, American actor († 1974)
  • FEBRUARY 28: Ben Hecht, American screenwriter († 1964)
  • March 10: Dagny Servaes, German - Austrian actress († 1961)
  • March 19: Joseph Kane, American film director († 1975)
  • MARCH 29: Franz planners, Austrian cameraman († 1963)


  • April 06: Willy Schmidt- Gentner, German composer († 1964)
  • APRIL 29: Paul Hörbiger, Austrian actor († 1981)
  • May 10: Dimitri Tiomkin, Ukrainian / American composer († 1979)
  • MAY 19: Lothar Mendes, German director († 1974)
  • May 20: Robert Katscher, Austrian lyricist and composer († 1942)
  • May 20: Estelle Taylor, American actress († 1958)
  • MAY 29: Josef von Sternberg, Austrian / American film director († 1969)
  • June 10: Oscar Karlweis, Austrian actor († 1956)
  • JUNE 13: Tay Garnett, American film director († 1977)
  • JUNE 26: Alfred Kunz, Austrian stage and costume designer († 1961)

July to September

  • 02 August: Hal Mohr, American cinematographer († 1974)
  • AUGUST 21: Hans Tügel, German actor, radio speaker, director and writer († 1984)
  • August 24: Talbot Jennings, American screenwriter († 1985)
  • AUGUST 26: Richard Wallace, American screenwriter, director and producer († 1951)

October to December
