Berge, Saxony-Anhalt

52.55416666666711.367545Koordinaten: 52 ° 33 ' 15 " N, 11 ° 22 ' 3" O

Location of the village in mountains Gardelegen

Mountains is a town and a district of the Hanseatic City Guard Insert in the Altmark Salzwedel in Saxony- Anhalt.


The place is located 3 km north of the center of Gardelegen at the leading in the direction of the county town of Salzwedel B 71


For the former municipality districts Ackendorf and Laatzke, and the living space were brickyard. These are now part of the existing village.


In the local cemetery of mountains recalls a burial with memorial plaques to eight name unknown prisoners of the concentration camp Dora -Mittelbau, who were killed in April 1945 during a death march from Mieste to Gardelegen by SS men.

The municipality mountains belonged to the administrative community Gardelegen city and was in the Altmark Salzwedel. Due to a change in the contract area of the municipal council decided mountains on 11 November 2008 that the municipality mountains is incorporated in the Hanseatic city Gardelegen. This agreement was approved by the county as a lower municipal supervisory authority and entered into force on 1 July 2009.

After incorporation of the previously autonomous municipality mountains were Ackendorf, mountains and Laatzke districts of the Hanseatic city Gardelegen. For powered finished my community the village constitution according to § § 86 et seq Municipal Code Saxony -Anhalt has been introduced. The is my finished communal woodlands and future districts mountains, Ackendorf and Laatzke were the village of receiving Hanseatic City Guard Set. In the eingemeindeten community and nunmehrigen village mountains a Ortschaftsrat was formed with nine members including mayor.
