Cyrillic (Unicode block)

The Unicode block Cyrillic ( Cyrillic, 0400 to 04FF ) contains all the necessary letters of most Cyrillic characters written languages ​​. In addition to the living Slavic languages ​​Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russinisch, Serbian, Macedonian and Bulgarian are the also the most non-Slavic languages ​​in the northern Caucasus and Central Asia (including Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Tajik, Tatar and Turkmen ) and the old and Neukirchen Slavic ( for which purpose the in modern languages ​​still existing letter be shared so that a font distinction eg between Church Slavonic and Russian within the Unicode is not possible). The sorting of the Russian and Eastern European characters based on ISO 8859-5.

Itelmenisch and Enzisch for Komi and Khanty, Chukchi and spoken of only a few speakers of languages ​​additional subsequent characters in the Unicode block Cyrillic Supplement ( 0500- 052F ) were housed. Other special characters for playing old Cyrillic manuscripts and prints are in introduced in Unicode version 5.1 blocks Cyrillic Extended- A ( 2DE0 - 2DFF ) and Cyrillic Extended- B ( A640 - A69F ).

The block is divided into several logical sections:

  • U 0400 to U 040 F: uppercase for Slavic languages
  • U 0410 to U 044 F: Russian base alphabet
  • U 0450 to U 045 F: lower case for Slavic languages
  • U 0460 to U 0481: Historical letters
  • U 0482 to U 0489: Past diacritics and numerical characters
  • U 048 A to U 04 F9: Advanced Cyrillic for non-Slavic languages
  • U 04 FA to U 04 FF: Extensions for Niwchische language

