
Întregalde (deprecated Intregălzi, Intre - Galde; Koliben German, Hungarian Havasgáld or Középgáld ) is a town in Alba county in Transylvania, Romania.


Întregalde located in Trascău Mountains in western Transylvania. The county capital Alba Iulia is located, about 35 kilometers southeast of Întregalde. In a mountainous landscape is the place via a driveway through the valley of the river Galda leads to Trascău Mountains after Mogos of the European Route 81, accessible.


The place was first mentioned in 1525. He has since been characterized by grazing.


The 877 residents of the municipality designated in 2002, with the exception of two Hungarians throughout as Romanians. The population increased since the peak in 1941 (then 2385 ) significantly. The same applies to the actual place Întregalde; here the number of residents declined from 1956 to 2002 from 243 to 94, the highest number of inhabitants of Romania German ( 3) in 1956, the Hungarians (12 ) 1910, the Roma ( 7) 1930 counted. 1966 Slovak has been registered.


  • The wooden church, Sf. Ilie in 1774, remodeled with interior paintings of 1789 in the 19th century, is a historical monument.
  • The Ethnographic Museum, opened in 2007.
  • Nearby are several ravines, where the ridge of the mountains Trascău be broken by streams, such as the Cheile Întregalde, the Cheile Galditei and Cheile Tecşeştilor. Some of the most famous peaks of the mountains, such as Varful Piatra Cetii ( 1,233 m), Măgulicea ( 1,128 m) and Piatra Craivii ( 1,078 m), can be reached by Întregalde in day hikes.


Wooden church Sf. Ilie

Altar of the wooden church Sf. Ilie
