
Jussara is a Brazilian municipality and small town in the state of Goiás in the mesoregion Northwest Goiás and in the micro- region of Rio Vermelho. It is located west of the Brazilian capital Brasília and Goiânia northwest of the capital.

Economically important are Jussara stockbreeding, agriculture and dairy production.

Geographical location

Jussara is bordered to the northwest by the State of Mato Grosso (municipality Araguaiana ) and subsequently in a clockwise direction to the goiánischen communities Britânia, Santa Fé de Goiás, Itapirapuã, Novo Brasil Fazenda Nova and Montes Claros de Goiás.

Considered Hydrological heard Jussara because of the two rivers Tocantins and its left tributary of the Rio Araguaia the Amazon Basin.

Climate, geography and vegetation

The climate is typically tropical with high summer temperatures around 30 ° C with a humidity of about 90%, and heavy rainfall. In the winter dryness and drought prevails with a duration of four to five months. Jussara is located in the southern foothills of the Amazon basin, with the rivers Samambaia, Água Limpa, Rio Araguaia, Molha Biscoito and Palmeira. The vegetation is characterized by savannah.


The table shows the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) at current prices for the three sectors of the economy, GDP and total rank of Jussara in Goiás, population and GDP per capita for 2007 ( in thousands of R $). Agriculture is in Jussara a heavyweight, especially the livestock (cattle, pigs, poultry ) and milk production, while developed by small businesses (eg dairy ) is only marginally represented.

Crop yields in Jussara, 2008:


In Jussara the federal highway BR -070 crosses ( orientation: east-west) with state road GO- 324 ( direction: north-south).


  • Goiânia: 231 km over Goiás via BR -070 and GO -070 or 222 km via Novo Brasil, Sanclerlândia, Anicuns, Trindade via GO-324/326/060
  • Brasilia: 347 km on the BR -070
  • São Paulo: 1191 km
  • Rio de Janeiro: 1512 km

To nearest major cities:

  • Itapirapuã, 28 km on the BR -070
  • Goiás Velho, 86 km on the BR -070
  • Iporá, 93 km via BR -070 and GO-324/326/173/060
  • Barra do Garças (MT ), 156 km on the BR -070

Statistical information

The table shows that the Human Development Index developed better in the years 1991-2000 for Jussara with 11.5 % compared to 8.8% Goiás. Above average increased by 19.1%, life expectancy ( 68.1 years), education is Jussara near the intersection. However, the increase in the purchasing power reached only about 60 % of the average of Goiás, which corresponds to the Brazilian, average increase in this area in about (Rank 14).

Jussara counted in 2007 to the most competitive municipalities in Goiás (Rank 57 out of 246 municipalities).


The almost exclusively within the Brazilian tourism is concentrated during the dry season from May to October mainly on the white, sandy beaches of the Rio Araguaia, which as also marks the border between Goiás and Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Mato Grosso between. The area around the Rio Araguaia is characterized by a very rich animal and plant diversity.

A popular weekend destination for locals is the Lago Azul.


The first settlement was da Mota, Dionisio Candido da Silva and Other pioneers founded in 1945 by Estevam Fernandes Rebouças, Limírio Neves, who were in search of fertile land. They built their homes on the banks of the river Água Limpa (clean water, because of the clarity of the water ) and christened the village on Colônia do Água Limpa. The fertility of the soil and the climatic conditions of the region encouraged the emergence of large and small agricultural and cattle farms. The settlement Colônia do Água Limpa expanded very quickly. The name was in 1950 on Juçara [note 1] ( later on Jussara ) in honor of Juçara Marques [note 2], in which was elected on 12 June 1949 as the first woman from Goiás to Miss Brazil.

Due to rapid development and population growth, the Council of Goiás rose on September 12, 1953 by municipal law No. 138 Jussara to a district by separation from District Aruanã and annexation to the town of Goiás Velho.

Per Urban Act No. 2116, the districts Jussara, Juscelândia, Santa Fé and São Sebastião do Rio Claro were on November 14, 1958 separated from Goiás and the new church ( Portuguese: município ) Jussara collected and directly to the jurisdiction of the government of then -Senator Dr. Pedro Ludovico assumed. This date has since been celebrated as the anniversary of Jussara. The enactment of the law took place on January 1, 1959.

In October 3, 1960, the first municipal elections were conducted and Paulo Dias Toledo elected as the first constitutional mayor.

On May 2, 1965 Jussara was elevated to the category of an autonomous community, so it was politically administratively autonomous.

Since the territorial definition of 2003 specifies the municipality Jussara from four localities ( Portuguese: distritos ) together:

  • Jussara
  • Canadá
  • Juscelândia
  • São Sebastião do Rio Claro

Other smaller villages / settlements are Canadasinho, Carajás, Comendador Marchesi, Betânia, Marechal Rondon, Campo Alegre, Mosquito, Vila Nova ( considered as area / sector of the small town Jussara, if slightly west of its secluded ).

With the growth of the urban area Jussara is today divided into sectors, namely: Bairro Araxá, Bairro Boa Sorte, Bairro Goiás, Bairro Nortista, Bairro Marajoara, Bairro São Francisco, Jardim Itaiara, Jardim Guanabara, Jardim Natalino, Jardim Petrópolis, Mansões dos Bosques, Nova Jussara, Recanto da Paz, Setor Aeroporto, Setor Alto da Boa Vista, Setor Central, Setor Cohab, Setor Comercial, Setor Marista, Setor Morada Nova, Setor Palmeiras, Setor Planalto, Vila Rebouças, Vila Santana, Setor Sonho Dourado, Vila Canaã, Vila Marajoara, Mutirão Vila, Vila Nova.

In Sector Aeroporto is located only a grass runway with a slope of about 10 °, which is parallel to GO- 324 and is only suitable for small aircraft and only during the day for use. It is used mainly in medical emergencies.


Butcher shop in Jussara

Market stall with live chickens

Flow " Água Limpa do Araguaia "
