Kan-Etsu Expressway

Template: Infobox trunk road / maintenance / JP -A


  • Tokyo
  • Saitama
  • Gunma
  • Niigata

The Kan'etsu highway (Japanese关 越 自动 车道, Kan'etsu Jidōshadō ) is a major highway in Japan and crosses the main Japanese island of Honshu from Nerima to Nagaoka and meets here on the Hokuriku Expressway. Its course follows this substantially to the national road 17

The 246.3 km long highway is from the East Japan motorway operator company Higashi Nihon - Kōsokudōro KK (English East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.. , NEXCO ) and is operated as a "national mainline " ( Kokkandō, short for国土 开 発 干线 自动 车道, Kokudo Kaihatsu Opportunities and Combating jidōshadō ) classified.


The first section of the motorway between Nerima and Kan'etsu Kawagoe was opened in 1971 as Tokyo Kawagoe - doro.

Connection points ( Interchange)

Nerima (1) - Tokorozawa (3) - Kawagoe (4) - Tsurugashima (5) - Higashimatsuyama (6) - Hanazono ( 7) - Honjō - Kodama ( 8) - Takasaki (10 ) - Maebashi (11 ) - Shibukawa - Ikaho (12 ) - Akagi (12-1 ) - Shōwa (12-2 ) - Numata (13 ) - Tsukiyono (14 ) - Minakami (15 ) - Yuzawa (16) - Shiozawa - Ishiuchi (16-1 ) - Muikamachi (17 ) - Koide (18) - Horinouchi (18-1 ) - Echigo- Kawaguchi (19) - Ojiya (20 ) - Nagaoka (21 )


  • Tokyo Prefecture Nerima
  • Niiza
  • Kiyose
  • Tokorozawa - Miyoshi - Fujimino - Kawagoe - Tsurugashima - Sakado - Higashimatsuyama - Namegawa - Ranzan - Ogawa - Yorii - Fukaya - Misato - Honjō - Kamisato
  • Fujioka - Tamamura - Takasaki - Maebashi - Yoshioka - Shibukawa - Showa - Numata - Minakami
  • Yuzawa - Minami- Uonuma - Uonuma - Kawaguchi - Ojiya - Nagaoka