Lunca Mureșului

Lunca Mureşului (deprecated Cucerdea; Hungarian Székelykocsárd or Kocsárd ) is a town in Alba county in Transylvania, Romania.

The place is also known under the outdated names romanian Cociard, Coceard and Cucerdea Secuiască; the Hungarian Vasútállomása and Razboieni known Neven.

Geographical location

Lunca Mureşului located in the northeast of Alba County, the creek Grindu - a left tributary of the Mureş ( Maros ) - in western Transylvania, on the railway Alba Iulia Târgu Mureş. ( Judetean Drum ) On the county road DJ 107F, the place located 11 kilometers northeast of Ocna Mures ( Mures Hall ); the county capital Alba Iulia is located approximately 55 kilometers southwest of Lunca Mureşului away.


According to reports from G. Téglás, G. Nagy and B. Orban are east of the village several archaeological objects as well as a settlement from the Roman times - by the locals " Fântâna de Piatra " (literally " stone fountain", Hungarian Kökut ) called - have been found.

The place is a Szeklerdorf, and was first mentioned in 1291 under the name Terra Kikhard.

The main occupation of the population is agriculture and animal husbandry.


The population of the municipality is as follows:

The highest population of the present village was established in 1977; the Romanians ( 1828 ) In 2002, the Hungarians ( 1,259 ) in 1920, the Roma (198 ) 1930. The highest number of Germans ( 9) was counted in 1890 and 1910. In the censuses of 1880, two Serbs, 1890 a Slovak and 1977 Ukrainians were registered.


  • The wooden church Pogorârea Sf. Duh şi Sf. Arhangheli, built in 1723, rebuilt in the 19th century, is a historical monument.


Wooden church in Lunca Mureşului

Wooden church in Lunca Mureşului

Reformed Church in Lunca Mureşului
