Messestadt-West (Munich U-Bahn)

Metro Station Fair City West is a station of the Munich U -Bahn.

The station was opened on 29 May 1999 and is located in Munich's Riem exhibition grounds, which he opens up the western part. He is under the Willy -Brandt -Allee, in the middle are nine skylights above the station. The rear track walls are made, such as the ceiling, from light red -colored concrete. The station is illuminated by two light bands, through the skylights and through the lock floor. The floor is covered with granite slabs and so reflects the light. Directly on the north, walk- lock floor is the Messesee to which the main western entrance of the fair connects and is accessible from the lock floor. At the southern end of the platform there is also a lock level, from which the Willy -Brandt -Allee is achievable. The planning of the station name was " Riem West" or " New -Riem West".
