Parker (Florida)

Bay County


Parker is a city in Bay County in the U.S. state of Florida with 4,317 inhabitants ( 2010).


Parker is adjacent to the cities of Callaway and Springfield. The city is located about 5 km east of Panama City and about 150 km west of Tallahassee.


According to the 2010 census, the then 4,317 inhabitants distributed to 2,310 households. The population density was 863.4 inh. / Km ². 78.5 % of the population were white, 12.5 % African American, 0.9% Native American and 2.5 % Asian Americans. 1.2% were members of other ethnic groups and 4.3% in different ethnic groups. 5.6% of the population were Hispanic or Latino.

In 2010, children under the age of 18 and 29.7 % of all households lived in 28.6 % of all households with persons at least 65 years. 63.4 % of households were family households (consisting of married couples with or without offspring or a parent with offspring ). The average size of a household was 2.32 persons and the average family size is 2.82 people.

23.6% of the population were younger than 20 years, 25.4% were 20-39 years old, 27.7 % were 40-59 years old and 23.4 % were at least 60 years old. The median age was 41 years. 48.7 % of the population were male and 51.3 % female.

The average annual income was $ 43,514, while 11.3 % of the population lived below the poverty line.

In 2000, English was the mother tongue of 96.32 % of the population spoke German 1.60% and 2.08 % had a different mother tongue.


Parker is crossed by U.S. Highway 98 ( SR 30A ) and the Florida State Road 30. The Tallahassee Regional Airport is about 150 km east of the city.


The crime rate in 2010 was 394 points ( U.S. average: 266 points ) within the average range. There was a murder, four rapes, a robbery, nine injuries, 73 burglaries, 116 thefts and 17 car thefts.
