
58.91472222.428056Koordinaten: 58 ° 55 ' N, 22 ° 26' O

Puski is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kõrgessaare ( Kõrgessaare vald ). It is the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ).


Puski ( also Puski German, Swedish or Buskby Buskas ) located 22 kilometers southwest of the island's capital Kärdla ( Kertel ).

The place has only one permanent residents (as of 31 December 2011). Until the late 1930s the population in Puski was relatively large. With the Second World War and the subsequent military use of Hiiumaa by the Red Army until the early 1990s, the population then dropped sharply.

Nativity Church of Puski

The town's landmark is the Orthodox Nativity Church.

1884 were dominated by the Russification of Estonia about 700 inhabitants of the region from Lutheranism to Russian Orthodox beliefs about.

The church was built in 1889-1891 in a quiet pine forest by the architect K. Nyman. She was one of four Orthodox churches Hiiumaa, which were built in the period of Russification.

The church was used until 1951 until it was closed by the Soviet occupation authorities. Then it fell into disrepair and is now only ruins. Next to the church is the historic cemetery of the village. It is 1.7 acres in size.

At the same time as the Church an Orthodox parish school was built in Puski. The building is now also expired.
