Sacrosanctum Concilium

Sacrosanctum Concilium is adopted by the Second Vatican Council in the second session on December 4, 1963 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The preliminary work go to the liturgical reform Commission Pius XII. back, so that at a meeting of the council of well-prepared draft (called a schema ) was present. It is the only conciliar document in which the text matter finally adopted corresponds to the Draft largely.

In addition to numerous practical implications, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy as a text one of the core documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Basic Law of his liturgical reform represents the renewed in their mind and because of their decrees liturgical books of the Roman Rite meant the abandonment of the fixed on cleric Church towards more participation of the faithful who were now more actively involved in the service. This was made possible not least due to the widespread introduction of the mother tongues in the church instead of the previously used almost exclusively Latin. The Constitution opened the liturgy to the people, where they sat on quite aware that the community of the richness of Scripture is made known, and that they are also in the homily ( sermon ) is explained by the preacher.


With the Motu Proprio Dei supernovae Nutu June 5 In 1960, John XXIII. along with nine other preparatory commissions also a liturgical commission one. This was the competent authority Curia, the Congregation of Rites assigned, whose prefect Cardinal Gaetano Cicognani was appointed by the Pope as head of the Commission. This preparation Commission drew up in three multi-day conferences the design of the later liturgical constitution, whereby for the questions of detail to a total of thirteen sub-committees were involved in the work. Cicognani signed the bill on February 1, 1962, five days before his death about eight months before opening of the Council.

The schema De sacra liturgia was the one business that has been taken by the council in the first attack: From 22 October to 14 November 1963 was discussed in 16 general congregations with 327 oral Vote now and finally votes in 46 votes against and with 2162 seven invalid votes accepted as a basis for further work. However, there were 360 written submissions with 180 amendments (modes ), which the Commission - had to be edited - no longer the Preparatory Commission, appointed by the Pope, but the self-elected to two -thirds of the council Liturgical Commission of the Council.

The revision of the draft was done in the first interim period. After John XXIII. died on 3 June 1963, Paul VI. was elected on June 21, as his successor, it convened the second session of the Council for September 29, but where was the first not the liturgy schema, but the schema De Ecclesia Church, which declared priority of Paul VI. , negotiated. During the second period the liturgy schema in various general congregations was partially put to the vote. This rose to in sections where the use of the mother tongue in the liturgy allowed and the primacy of the clergy has been relativized in the liturgy, the No and the placet iuxta modum votes (yes with reservations ) are highly sensitive, in individual cases, the required two -thirds majority not achieved. Nevertheless, the scheme has been retained as the basis of further work and brought on 22 November as a whole to vote, where there were only 19 votes against 2158 votes. In the solemn public Sessio of the Council of 4 December 1963, the Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium was finally adopted in 2147 with Yes and No at 4 by Pope Paul VI. promulgated.


Chapter 1: General principles for the collection and promotion of the sacred liturgy

I. The nature of the sacred liturgy and its importance for the life of the Church

The article explains the meaning of the liturgy of the Catholic Church and its believers.

" Liturgy [ is ] the climax toward which the activity of the Church is directed and the source from which all her power flows. "

The faithful are encouraged hinzuzutreten the sacred liturgy. The pastor should take care of the right way of exercising.

II Liturgical Education and Participation active

So that the faithful can acquire the treasure of the liturgy properly determined the council in this article that all persons engaged in the pastoral area must have a sound theological education. Furthermore, it is here determined that transmissions are adopted by ordinances in radio or television media representatives who are employed by bishops.

III. Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy

This article forms the core of the Constitution on the Liturgy. The Council starts from the realization that there are parts of the liturgy that are immutable and parts that are subject to change. To change these parts presented the following Council guidelines on:

  • Only the church has the power to order the liturgy or to change. Within certain limits, this may also be the regional bishop associations.
  • After thorough theological, historical and pastoral studies parts of the liturgy may be revised. Furthermore, the liturgical books, including the Missal soon ( quamprimum ) should be revised.
  • " In liturgical celebrations to everyone he was liturgist or creditors do in the performance of his task only, and all that belongs to it from the nature of things and according to the liturgical norms. "
  • The contribution of choirs, cantors, altar servers and lectors is a real liturgical service, ie it is not only taken place in substitution for clerics.
  • The contribution of the faithful in the liturgy is to be promoted by inclusion of acclamations in the liturgical books.
  • At the renewal of the rites of the liturgy should be noted that the rites are clear and understandable, that a sermon takes place, the believers explained the Scriptures.
  • Article 36 deals with the wider introduction of native languages ​​in the liturgy. Although Latin is retained in principle, but it is conceded that " not infrequently the use of the native language of the people can be very useful " (SC 36). For the " with the people celebrated fairs " the use of mother tongues were granted, "especially in the readings and prayer in general " and " in the parts come to the people" and " beyond" (SC 54). In addition, however, is to ensure that " the Christian faithful can their proper parts of the measuring Ordinary speak and sing together in Latin " (SC 54).
  • The Church also promotes regional peculiarities, unless they are bringing to the general Roman Missal in line. The article thus contains a core aspect of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council.

IV promotion of liturgical life in the diocese of and in the parish

Contains again highlighting the relevance of the church work on site.

V. Promotion of pastoral liturgical movement

In it the dioceses are asked to build liturgical commissions that are to be advised by experts in liturgical science, sacred art, sacred music and pastoral issues. Purpose is to be the liturgical cause the development of the liturgy and promotion.

Chapter 2: The Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist

The council meets here arrangements to make the celebration of the Eucharist to the faithful easier to understand and promote their participation. These include in particular:

  • Revision of the measuring Ordo ( Ordo Missae ), ie the sequence of the show, especially to Repetitions be omitted and the processes easier.
  • The Scripture is a wide space to be decorated.
  • Sermons to keep.
  • Intercessory prayers to be held and conveyed
  • The service will be largely held in the native language. Nevertheless, should not allow the loss of the knowledge of the Latin formulas.
  • In every Mass the Holy intended. Communion will be distributed to the faithful.
  • Article 57 is replaced by schemes which the Council a concelebrated Mass, so recommends one of several priests celebrated Mass together.

Chapter 3: The other sacraments and sacramentals

  • Also in the sacraments is the native language can be used.
  • The baptismal rites are to be revised in accordance with the request of the Council. This was done by revision of the Roman Ritual creating a trade show: " In the dispensation of baptism " in the revised Missal.
  • The role of godparents is strengthened.
  • The Council decides to adopt a special ceremony after the emergency baptism, anyone can donate in danger of death.

Chapter 4: The Liturgy of the Hours

The Constitution emphasizes in this chapter the importance of the Divine to be particularly neat again. Clergy, religious and consecrated persons are obliged, as far as nothing serious, however, speaks to perform the respective Tagzeiten; even the layman is the daily hours of prayer - in community or alone - recommended. Liturgy of the Hours should in principle be performed by clergy in the Latin language, but the Ordinary may dispense in individual cases from this obligation.

Chapter 5: The liturgical year

The council holds here the faithful strongly on to celebrate Sunday as the Lord's Day. Furthermore, the meanings of individual aspects of the church year as penance, etc. are explained in more detail. See: basic order of the church year.

Chapter 6: The Church Music

The constitution acknowledges the Church here music a special place. The noblest form of worship then reached whenever it is held with singing, with special reference to the importance of Gregorian chant. Church choirs are to promote and musical education in Catholic educational institutions to look for. Church musicians should receive a " dignified " training. Particularly worth to be placed on the care of the religious folk song, as well as the tradition of the church organ music.

Chapter 7: The religious art, liturgical equipment and garment

Legal liturgy and liturgical pastoral statements about the sacred art and church architecture (Criteria for suitability of liturgical art, image worship, artistic freedom in responsibility to the liturgical norms, religious monuments, artists pastoral account of the art in the study of theology ).
