Vestre Toten

12,977 ( March 31, 2013 )

The Vestre Toten municipality in Norway has a total area of 249.4 km ² and a north - south length of 28.4 km and an east- west distance of 15 km. Vestre Toten has 12,977 inhabitants ( as of March 31, 2013). The population density is 52 inhabitants per square kilometer. The municipality is located in Oppland Fylke south of the town Gjøvik and is managed by the City Raufoss. Larger settlements in the municipality are Bøverbru (about 700 inhabitants), Eina (about 650 inhabitants), Kolbu, Raufoss (approx. 6,000 inhabitants) and Reinsvoll (approx. 1,150 inhabitants). 60 % of the population lives in these centers. The highest elevation is the Lauvhøgda with a height of 722 meters. By municipality, the river flows into the Hunnselv Mjøsa.

The climate is very different within the municipality. In the valley bottom C can be reached in winter to -40 °. At higher elevations, the climate is mild and the winter temperatures higher by 10 °. The rainfall is 730 mm / year.


In the municipality are about 165 sq km of forests. The largest part of many private forest owners. 140 km ² are timberland. Slightly less than half consists of old forest. 35 % have high quality. 90 % are fir / spruce, pine 4% and 6% deciduous forest.


The economy of the municipality is determined by industry and agriculture. The landscape is dominated by agriculture and forestry, which is interrupted by small inland lakes and forest. The forest extends over 165 km ² of which 140 km ² timber with 1,300,000 cubic meters of standing timber. 103 square kilometers, are private owned. In the western part of the municipality slow-growing conifers with narrow annual rings are preferred, in the east the more fast-growing varieties. 90 % are fir or spruce, pine 4% and 6% deciduous trees. Slightly less than half of old forest. The plantings are at 45,000 m³. To the west of the forest stands on moraine.


At the time of the Cambrian sea extended into this region. One can find marine deposits. In the Ordovician, the country gradually lifted, and there was the Mjøsabruch. During the Silurian of sand and clay could settle on, which was to slate. Later the country was strongly pressed and folded. Where today the river flows Hunn Selva, was founded in Perm a breaking point, which Hunnselv warp. East of the country fell off and turned obliquely towards the west. The western part remained unmoved and therefore is higher today. There is also the mountain Lauvhøgda. West of Hunnselv are granite and gneiss, sour food and poor soil. In the eastern part of the municipality of the mountains were scraped off obliquely in the ice age of the ice. There is therefore younger rocks from the Ordovician and the Silurian. From the Ordovician limestone, the dark ( slate ) with Kalklinsen and shale with sand comes from. From the Silurian derived sandstone, limestone and shale of various kinds During the Quaternary ice sheets from the north have large amounts of material deposited as ground moraine. About 80 % of the municipal area is covered by water. They form the main site for the forests west of the Hunnselv. East of the soil has also become fertile.


Vestre Toten was divided on 1 January 1908 in three parts. Since Eina and Kolbu were singled out and to their own communities. On January 1, 1964 Eina was incorporated again and the Einasee, which previously belonged to the municipality Brandbu slammed Vestre Toten. In 2000 Kolbu slammed on the basis of a referendum Østre dead.


In Vestre Toten the open air museum is located Stenberg.
