Zurzach District

The District Zurzach (also called Zurzibiet ) is a district of the canton of Aargau in Switzerland, which consists of the area of Studen Lands in the far northeast of the canton of the Surbtal. The district includes 22 communities residents.


The Zurzibiet between Zurich and Basel, at the confluence of the Aare and Rhine. It is bordered to the north by Germany ( Waldshut ), on the west by the Frick Valley region. Many German commuters pass through the daily Zurzibiet on their commute to Baden or Zurich.

The Zurzibiet suffers like many border regions since the early 1990s under economic stagnation and emigration. To stop these negative developments, the platform was created " Zurzibiet " by the planning organization for the region.

Residents communities

Changes in the community inventory

Communities by 1944

Communities by 2005

Communities by 2013

  • 2006: name change from Zurzach → Zurzach

Pictures of Zurzach District
