17th century BC

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The 17th century BC started on January 1, 1700 BC and ended on December 31, 1601 BC

Era / period

  • Around 1700 BCE ( according to traditional chronology ) are all known centers destroyed in an earthquake in Crete. With the reconstruction of the centers Neupalastzeit begins.
  • In the late 17th century BC, the Späthelladikum, which about the same time the early period of the Mycenaean civilization begins, the first high culture of mainland Europe starts. It is first detectable in Laconia and the Argolid.

Events / developments

  • In the 17th century BC, or possibly even as early as the 18th century BC v. disappeared the oasis culture through probably climatic changes from the Karakum desert.
  • In the 17th century BC, the last mammoth died out on Wrangel Island.
  • In the 17th century BC the kingdom was founded by Kerma in Upper Nubia.
  • In the 17th century BC, the Hittite Empire in Asia Minor was founded.
  • 1645 BC: The eruption of Mount Aniakchak in Alaska today.
  • Around 1630 BC: penetration of the Hyksos in the Nile Delta.
  • 1627 BC: Beginning of a multi-year global cooling of the climate, demonstrated through dendrochronological studies of trees from California, Ireland and Anatolia. A connection with a volcanic eruption is discussed (possibly the Minoan eruption of Santorini in Greece).


Note: The Government of years can not yet be determined accurately in this century. Therefore, it is approximate estimates.

Pharaohs of Egypt

  • Neferhotep I. (1705-1694 BC)
  • Sahathor ( 1694 BC)
  • Sobekhotep IV (1694-1685 BC)
  • Sobekhotep V. (1685-1680 BC)
  • Jaib (1680-1670 BC)
  • Aja I. (1669-1659 BC)
  • Sobekhotep VI. (1656-1654 BC)
  • Sewadjtu (1654-1651 BC)
  • Neferhotep II (1651-1648 BC)
  • Hori (1647 BC)
  • Merkaure Sobekhotep (1646-1644 BC)
  • Salitis (1630-1615 BC. / Hyksoskönig of Lower Egypt / founder of the 15th dynasty ( Hyksos ) )
  • Rahotep (1622-1619 BC. / Founder of the 17th dynasty )
  • Sobekemsaf I. (1619-1603 BC)
  • Beon (1615-1602 BC. / Hyksoskönig of Lower Egypt )
  • Djehuti (1602-1601 BC)
  • Apachnas (1602-1594 BC. / Hyksoskönig of Lower Egypt )
  • Mentuhotepi (1601 BC)
  • Nebirirau I. (1601-1582 BC)

Kings of Assyria

  • Adasi (1700-1681 BC)
  • Sarma - Adad I (1653-1642 BC)
  • Iptar -Sin (1641-1630 BC)
  • Bazaia (1629-1602 BC)
  • Lullaia (1601-1596 BC)

Kings of Babylon

  • Abi- ESUH (1711-1684 BC)
  • Ammi - ditāna (1683-1647 BC)
  • Ammi - saduqa (1646-1626 BC)
  • Samsu - ditana (1625-1595 BC)

King of Elam

  • Tempti - Agun (by around 1700 BC)

Kings of the Hittite Empire

  • Anitta ( around 1700 BC)
  • Labarna (1659-1629 BC)
  • Hattusili I. (1629-1604 BC)
  • Mursili I. (1604-1594 BC)

Inventions and Discoveries

  • In Crete, the enigmatic discos in 1908 excavated by Phaistos. He was to the 17th century BC, dated by its discoverer, without the need for a coherent, scientific evidence could be commenced. It is assumed that it is the content is text, which was printed by stamping in soft clay. If this assumption is true, it is at the Phaistos Disk is the oldest printed material of human origin.
  • In the 17th century BC, the linear script A was developed by the Minoan civilization.