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◄ | 2nd Century | 3rd Century | 4th Century | ► ◄ | 240 | 250 | 260s | 270s | 280s | 290s | 300 | ► ◄ ◄ | ◄ | 269 | 270 | 271 | 272 | 273 | 274 | 275 | 276 | 277 | ► | ► ►

Heads of State

Year of the Water Snake癸巳( at the beginning of the year Water Dragon壬辰)

Syria: 584/585 ( year in October )


Politics and World Affairs

Roman Empire / Gallic Empire

  • Reich crisis of the 3rd century: The subdued in the previous year Palmyra rises under Apsaeus again against Rome. First, the governor of Mesopotamia Marcellinus is to be proclaimed rival emperor. This, however, refuses and tells the uprising of the Emperor Aurelian. In Palmyra Septimius Antiochus is then proclaimed rival emperor. Aurelian conquered the city again with the Legio III Italica and makes it to the ground. Furthermore, he knocks down a revolt of Firmus in Egypt. Aurelian celebrates his triumph in Rome.
  • Tetricus I makes his son Tetricus II to the reign of the Emperor in the Gallic Empire.
  • An Indian delegation visited Emperor Aurelian in Rome.


  • Bahram I. succeeds his brother Hormizd I. on the throne as Shah of Sassanidenreichs. Hormizds reign had lasted only a year.
  • The Three Kingdoms Period: The Chinese Emperor Jin Wudi begins in Luoyang to build a harem of the most beautiful women of the empire. In the future this work will hold him more and more of the affairs of state.


  • Timaeus of Antioch will succeed Domnus I as bishop of Antioch.


  • Domnus I., Bishop of Antioch
  • Hormizd I, Shah of Sassanidenreichs
  • Year ( 3rd century )
  • 273