Blagodarny, Stavropol Krai

Blagodarny (Russian Благодарный ) is a town with 32.725 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ) in the North Caucasus Federal District in Russia. It is located in the Caucasus foothills in the Stavropol region, about 150 kilometers east of Stavropol, at the Mokraja Buiwola ( a tributary of the Kuma ).

Blagodarny is the administrative center of the homonymous Rajons.


The city was founded in 1782 as a village by the name Blagodarnoje ( Благодарное ) and received the 1971 city status, and the current name Blagodarny - to the German Thankful [ City ].


Note: Census data


Blagodarny has few industrial enterprises, with an emphasis in food production. It is also important to agriculture, which is operated in Rajon Blagodarny.
