Djurö National Park

The National Park Djurö is located in Sweden's largest lake, Vänern.

At first sight the archipelago archipelago looks like. It comprises approximately 30 islands. The islands have only a thin layer of soil and therefore are quite sparse. An exception is the island Gisslan which has a species -rich flora due to the calcareous soil.

Djurö been inhabited since the 16th century for some time. Up to three families subsisted on agriculture and fishing. Today the island is uninhabited again.

In animals, there are deer, as the island was hunting and animal park once. But especially the bird life is rich. Inter alia you can watch osprey, hawks tree, oystercatchers and gulls.

The group of islands can only be reached by boat from the north or west. To the east of the archipelago there are dangerous shoals and breakers, and the east and south sides are April 1 to July 31 frozen bird sanctuary.

Abisko | Ängsö | Björnlandet | Blue Maiden | Dalby Söderskog | Djurö | Färnebofjärden | Fulufjällens | Garphyttan | Gotska Sandon | Hamra | Haparanda Archipelago | Kosterhavet | Muddus | Norra Kvill | Padjelanta | Pieljekaise | Sonfjället | Sarek | Skuleskogen | Söderåsens | Stenshuvud | Stora Sjöfallet | Store Mosse | Tivedens | Töfsingdalen | Tresticklan | Tyresta | Vadvetjåkka

  • National Park in Europe
  • National Park in Sweden
  • Geography ( Västra Götaland County )
  • Mariestad municipality