E minor

E - d - c ^ h - a - g ^ fis - e

E minor is a key of Tongeschlechts minor, based on the root e. The key of E minor written in notation with a cross ( F sharp ). The corresponding scale and the basic chord in this key ( the tonic egh ) are designated by the term E minor.

Links the sign of E minor, the right of the basic chord on a piano.

Frequently, this key is said a plaintive, sad, mystical character, but cf the product key character. In the guitar-based rock music ( as blues, punk music or heavy metal ) is in E minor for purely practical reasons, the most represented Key: The basic tuning of the guitar is on E, and it requires only minimal finger technique to a round -sounding basic chord e to play minor. In classical music, however, the key is almost never used. So it is with Beethoven, only the second movement of the E major Sonata Op.14 / 1 in the String Quartet Op. 59/2 and Sonata in E minor, Op. 90, but finds a major conclusion.

Classification of the key

  • Key