Kalana, Hiiu County

58.92027822.076667Koordinaten: 58 ° 55 ' N, 22 ° 5' O

Kalana is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kõrgessaare ( Kõrgessaare vald ). It is the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ).

Description and History

Kalana ( German Kallana ) has eleven inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). The settlement was first in 1531 under the name ahm Vischorde ( this meaning is found in today's Estonian name) mentioned.

The village lies at the head of Kõpu Peninsula ( Kõpu pool saar ), on the Baltic coast. Around the village, the 32.8 -acre nature reserve extends Kalana ( Kalana looduskaitseala ).

From Kalana to the westernmost point of Hiiumaa extends to a length of 1.5 kilometers, the area Ristna with its beaches. There you will find the Lighthouse Built in 1874 Ristna ( Ristna tuletorn ) and a weather station.


The place at the well- protected bay Kalana ( Kalana Laht ) houses a small, mostly ice-free port. It was built as a port of refuge during the reign of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf.

The westernmost port of Hiiumaa was heavily damaged during the Second World War. Until the early 1990s it was used for fishing boats of the local collective farm; now lay only to private boats.


A chapel has been demonstrated for the year 1698. 1777 Wooden bridge subsequently built. As a " relic " the house of God contained two golden fish, a cod and a herring. You should back up the community a good catch. The two metal works of art to have been stolen by the vernacular of the envy -ridden residents of the larger neighboring island of Saaremaa. Later they were replaced by a silver fish. He brought but only half as much in the nets as the golden predecessor.

1939/1940 had to Estonia after the Hitler -Stalin pact the territory of the Soviet Red Army left as a military base. The Estonian poet August Sang rescued in the summer of 1940, the silver fish and other religious objects from the chapel into Estonian National Museum.

The church was probably removed in 1945 by Soviet border troops.
