Knut Storberget

Knut Storberget ( born October 6, 1964 in Elverum ) is a Norwegian social democratic politician. From 2005 to 2011 he was Minister of Justice in the government of Jens Stoltenberg II

Storberget is admitted as a lawyer and jurist. He is married and has three children.

Storberget was first elected in 2001 to the Storting, his constituency is Hedmark. Since October 17, 2005 Knut Storberget was Minister of Justice and Police in the second cabinet of Jens Stoltenberg. On 11 November 2011, he assumed the political responsibility for failures of the security forces in connection with the terrorist attacks of 22 July 2011. He resigned from his post without his personal misconduct would have been attested. During the term 2013/17 he worked as a deputy in the Economic Committee.
