Laetamur admodum

With the encyclical Laetamur admodum of Pope Pius XII. took place on 1 November 1956, renewed call for peace the Pope. This circular is an Exhortation and a call to " prayer for peace in Poland, Hungary and the Middle East."

Poland and Hungary

With great joy lifted Pius XII. out that Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Primate of Poland, Cardinal József Mindszenty of Hungary and were rehabilitated after a long period of detention in their countries and could exercise their pastoral office again. The Pope expressed his hopes that peace will come by these events, in these two countries. He appealed to all Catholics of these countries to stand up for their Pastors and to support the peace efforts.

With great care he turned to the Middle East conflict and called on the parties to negotiate on. All legitimate entitlements of the parties would have to be taken into account and those of the United Nations recommendations should be implemented. He emphasized the protection of the " Holy Places " and called for a solution to the refugee question. He noted that war would not lead to a lasting solution and deplored the bloodshed and the destruction of places. He called to set the rulers to the struggles and fight for a just solution.
