Mandera County

Mandera County (until 2010 Mandera District ) is a county in the Kenyan province of North - Eastern. The county is bordered by Somalia and Ethiopia. The capital is Mandera. In Mandera County arid climate prevails.

The people in Mandera County live mainly by nomadic livestock, only 5% of Countyfläche are considered suitable for agriculture. Crops are maize, millet, cowpeas, peanuts, bananas and mangoes.

2005, there were 65 % of the population below the poverty line, about 52% of men and 82 % of women are illiterate. In 1999, 15.7 % of the population unemployed. The infant mortality rate in the county is high, 12.8% of the children died in 2002 before their 5th birthday.


In Mandera County, there are 47 health care facilities, three post offices, 27 telephone booths and two financial service providers. The roads are not paved. Only 11 % of the population has access to safe drinking water, the average way to the nearest water source is 20 km. Only one of the major trading centers has electricity, the energy needs of people are met by wood burning. In County in 2002 there were 60 primary schools and six secondary schools, including one for girls.


The Mandera County is divided into 18 divisions and three electoral districts, Mandera East, Mandera Central and Mandera West, on.
