Nyamira County

Nyamira County (until 2010 Nyamira District ) is a county in the province of Nyanza in Kenya. The Countyhauptstadt is Nyamira. 2009 lived in the County 598 252 people on 912.5 km ². 67 % of people in Nyamira County in 2005 lived below the poverty line.


The Nyamira County is divided into seven divisions: Nyamira, Nyamaiya, Nyamusi, Borabu, Ekerenyo, Rigoma and manga. Nyamira County is divided into three electoral districts: Kitutu Masaba, West Mugirango and North Mugirango Borabu. Under the Constitution of 2010, the districts Borabu, Manga and Nyamira were united under the new name Nyamira County.


The County has 339 primary schools and 58 secondary schools. 15 % of boys and 20 % of girls do not finish primary school, in secondary school break 20% of the student 's education prematurely.

Health service

The population are two hospitals and 21 health centers. One doctor for 65,000 patients, the hospital beds are occupied on average 65% of HIV- positive or suffering from AIDS people. In addition to the immune deficiency disease malaria, respiratory diseases and pneumonia and skin diseases are mainly treated. The infant mortality rate in 2005 was 8%, 10.5 % of children died before their 5th birthday.
