National Archaeological Museum (Florence)

The National Archaeological Museum of Florence (Italian: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze) is an archaeological museum in Florence, Italy. It is located in Palazzo della Crocetta, who 'was built Medici, daughter of Ferdinando I de' 1620 by Giulio Parigi for Princess Maria Maddalena de Medici.


The museum was inaugurated in the presence of King Victor Emmanuel II 1870 in the buildings of the Cenacolo di Fuligno on Via Faenza. At this time it turned out only Etruscan and Roman finds. With the growth of the collection to new premises were needed and so the museum moved in 1880 to the present building.

The first foundations of the collection placed the family collections of the Medici and Lorraine together with some transfers from the Uffizi Gallery to the year 1890 ( with the exception of the collection of marble sculptures, which already owned the Uffizi). The Egyptian section was founded in the first half of the 18th century from parts of the collection of Pierre Léopold de Toscane. Other parts were added after an expedition 1828-29, which was led by Ippolito Rosellini and Jean -François Champollion. 1887 new topographical Museum to the Etruscans has been added, but it was destroyed in the flooding of 1966.

Etruscan collection

The organization of the Etruscan rooms was re- roofed in 2006 and organized. Also in 2006 was the 40-year restoration of over 2000 objects that were damaged in the flood of 1966, finished.

  • The Chimera of Arezzo - Arezzo discovered in 1553 during construction of a Medici fortress
  • The statue of Arringatore ( 1st century BC)
  • The funeral statue Mater Matuta ( 460-450 AD)
  • The Sarcophagus of Laerthia Seianti (2nd century AD)
  • The large amphora of Baratti ( 4th century AD, now in the Museo del archeologico territorio di Populonia in Piombino )
  • The Sarcophagus of the Amazons ( 4th century AD)

Roman collection

  • The " Idolino Pesaro ", a 146 cm high bronze statue of a young man, a Roman copy of a Greek original classic, found in fragments in the center of Pesaro in October 1530.
  • The " Torso di Livorno ", copy of a Greek original of the 5th century BC.
  • Statue of a cockerel, the so-called " Gallo Treboniano ", a work of the late 3rd century.
  • The Minerva of Arezzo, a Roman copy of a Greek bronze model from the 4th century BC, dedicated to Praxiteles.

Greek collection

The rich collection of ancient Greek pottery is shown in a large room on the second floor. The vases are mostly coming from Etruscan tombs. Provides evidence of the close cultural and economic exchange with the Etruscans Greece, especially Athens, where the majority of the vessels was made. Very well known is a black-figure crater, which is both signed by the potter Ergotimos as well as from painters Kleitias. It is called Françoisvase. According to the archaeologist Alessandro François, who found him in 1855 in an Etruscan grave

Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian collection is known as the Egyptian Museum. It is the second largest collection of Egyptian artifacts in Italy by the Museo Egizio in Turin.


The first collection of Egyptian antiquities in Florence was the Medici family, dating back to 18th century collection. In the nineteenth century, Leopold II began with the acquisition of artifacts, which are now housed in the Egyptian Museum. Together with Charles X. (France ), he funded a scientific expedition to Egypt from 1828 to 1829. The expedition was led by Jean -François Champollion, who deciphered the hieroglyphs in 1822. Ippolito Rosellini, a friend and student of Champollion, represented the Italian interests in this expedition. He thus became the father of Italian Egyptology. During the expedition, many artifacts were collected, both by archaeological excavations as well as through purchase from local dealers. On the return trip they were evenly divided between the Louvre in Paris and the new Egyptian Museum in Florence.


The museum was officially opened in 1855. The first director was the Piemontese Ernesto Schiaparelli. He later became director of the larger Egyptian Museum in Turin. By 1880, he had cataloged the collection and organized the transport of the Antiques for Florence Archaeological Museum. Under Schiaparelli, the collection was expanded with further excavations and purchases from Egypt. However, many of the artifacts were later handed over to Turin.

The Florentine collection grew well in time for him to continue as contributions from individuals and Scientific institutions were made. In particular, the Florence Institute papyrological delivered artefacts from his expedition to Egypt in 1934 and 1939. These now form one of the basic collections of Coptic art and documents in the world.

The Egyptian Museum today

The museum now has a permanent staff including two professional Egyptologists. It houses more than 14,000 artifacts, spread over nine galleries and two depots. The exhibited artifacts were thoroughly restored. The old classification system of Schiaparelli was replaced by a new, chronological and partly topographical system.

The collection offers material that ranges from the prehistoric era to Coptic era. There is a remarkable collection of steles, mummies, Uschebti, amulets and bronze statuettes of different ages. There are statues from the reign of Amenhotep III. , A chariot of the eighteenth dynasty, a pillar from the grave of Seti I., papyri of the New Testament (2, 65 ) and many other artifacts from various time periods.


Coffin of a woman

Mummy Portrait of Al Fayyum

Ptolemaic stela
