Odds & Sods


  • Vocals: Roger Daltrey
  • Guitar / Keyboard / Vocals: Pete Townshend
  • Bass / vocals: John Entwistle
  • Percussion / Vocals: Keith Moon

Odds & Sods is a compilation of British rock band The Who. She appeared in 1974 and in 1998 re- released as a remastered version. The two versions differ in their title list.

In the fall of 1973, during the recording of the movie Tommy, John Entwistle put together this compilation to oppose the numerous bootlegs something. He and the producer of his solo album, John Alcock, presented the album from different recordings together. Though enough material had been collected for two LPs, one published just one. However, the panel could not stop the spread of bootlegs, because large portions of the material was already available on bootlegs.

Track lists

Original title list

" I tried to write an archetypal rock single; the Shangri -Las type thing, the Jan and Dean type thing. The car crashes, the motorcycle goes over the cliff, ' Oh no! and then there's a little spoken part: ' and then I went to the cemetery and I Prayed over his grave .' "

Title List of remastered version
