People's Progressive Party (Gambia)

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The People's Progressive Party (PPP ) ( German Progressive People's Party) is a moderate center - left political party in Gambia. The motto of the party is Latin for " Vox populi vox dei " = "The voice of the people ( is ) the voice of God ."


The PPP was for decades the dominant ruling party Gambia. Since independence in 1965, she presented with Dawda Jawara the President. In 1994, he was overthrown by young army officers in a military coup. The party was banned from further participation in the 1996 elections and 1997.

Jawara was allowed to return to London in 2002 from exile, with the condition that is no longer politically active. In 2005, the PPP united under the leader Omar Jallow to the opposition coalition National Alliance for Democracy and Development.

Election results
