Rio de Janeiro (state)

- 22:37 - 42.88Koordinaten: 22 ° 22 ' S, 42 ° 53 ' W

The State of Rio de Janeiro belongs to the southeastern region of Brazil.

Its capital is also called Rio de Janeiro. Residents of the state are referred to as Fluminense, while call the residents of the capital Cariocas.


With an area of ​​only 43,909 km ² Rio de Janeiro is one of the smaller states of Brazil, and is as large as Denmark and slightly smaller than the German state of Lower Saxony in about. However, it has about 15.2 million inhabitants ( 2010) is the third most populous state after São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The population density is about 346 inhabitants / km ².

The highest elevation of the predominantly mountainous state is the Pico das Agulhas Negras in the Serra da Mantiqueira with 2,789 m. The main rivers are the Paraíba do Sul, Macaé, Muriaé, Pirai and Rio Grande.

The state is bordered ( clockwise from the southwest ) to São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.

The capital and largest city is Rio de Janeiro. Your neighbor city Niteroi was until 1975 the capital of the state and has about 500,000 inhabitants, whose fifth largest city. Between the two cities, which was built in 1974, 14 km long and the Guanabara Bay, Rio - Niterói about crossing bridge runs.

According to their economic importance are the next most important cities of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in alphabetical order: Angra dos Reis, Araruama, Arraial do Cabo, Barra Mansa, Buzios, Cabo Frio, Campos, Duque de Caxias, Macaé, Maua, Nova Friburgo Nova Iguaçu, Paraty, Petrópolis, Rio das Ostras, São Gonçalo, Saquarema Teresópolis and Volta Redonda.

Ethnic Groups

  • White - 54.7 % ( mostly Portuguese -born, Italian -born and German -born Brazilians )
  • Mixed breeds - 33.5 % ( mostly mulattos and mestizos )
  • Black - 10.6% (mostly Bantu and Yoruba origin)
  • Amerindian ( Native American ) - 0.3 %
  • Asians - 0.2 %
  • Indefinable - 0.7 %

Economy and Agriculture

The proportion of Rio de Janeiro on the Brazilian gross domestic product in 2000 stood at 11.7 %. Here, the vast majority (about 58%) is generated in the service sector. The main industries are chemical industry, oil and gas extraction and metal industries. Tourism plays a very significant role. Because especially for foreign tourists the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 's most popular destination, while the small seaside resort of Buzios in the state of the second occupies the eighth place in the whole of Brazil.

History and Culture

Today's State of Rio de Janeiro was created in 1974 at the behest of the military government of the merger between Rio de Janeiro and the city-state of Guanabara.


Cities with populations over 100,000 (July 1, 2005)

  • Rio de Janeiro - 6094183
  • São Gonçalo - 960 841
  • Duque de Caxias - 842 890
  • Nova Iguaçu - 830 902
  • Belford Roxo - 480 695
  • Niterói - 474 100
  • São João de Meriti - 464 327
  • Campos - 426 212
  • Petrópolis - 306 002
  • Volta Redonda - 255 695
  • Magé - 232 251
  • Itaboraí - 215 877
  • Mesquita - 182 546
  • Nova Friburgo - 177,388
  • Barra Mansa - 175 328
  • Cabo Frio - 159 685
  • Macaé - 156 410
  • Nilópolis - 150 968
  • Teresópolis - 148 965
  • Angra dos Reis - 140 345
  • Queimados - 136 509
  • Resende - 117 416