Únětice (Plzeň-South District)

Únětice ( German Aunietitz ) is a municipality with 122 inhabitants in the Czech Republic. It is located five kilometers west of Blovice and belongs to Okres Plzeň -jih. The land area is 601 hectares.


The place is located in 493 m above sea level. M. Potok on a ridge between the valleys of the Únětický and Lesní creek. In the northwest there is the pond Hadovka. Five kilometers east of the village the road Europe 49/Staatsstraße 20 runs from Pilsen to Nepomuk.

Neighboring towns are Střížovice and Chlum in the north, Seč in the east, Chocenický Újezd ​​in the south, southwest, and Řenče Libákovice in the west.


The first mention of Únětice place in the year 1358th

Community structure

For Únětice no districts are reported. The municipality belongs to the colony U Skály and the forestry Hadovka.


  • The desert festivals Hluboká is located in the south-west forest creek Únětice to which both the source ponds Lesní. Legend has it that have stood on an island in one pond an enchanted village.
  • South of it is also in the forest of the ridge Čertovo Břemeno.