1852 in literature

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  • 20 March: The novel Uncle Tom 's Cabin ( Uncle Tom's Cabin ) by Harriet Beecher Stowe is published with a circulation of 5,000 copies for the first time in book form. The work is out of print within 48 hours. In the same year, many of the anti - Tom literature attributable to the works of other authors come out.
  • March: The first part of the continuing story Bleak House by Charles Dickens appears.
  • August: Jules Verne published the short story L' Amérique du Sud. Moeurs péruviennes. Martin Paz, nouvelle historique ( Martin Paz ). In the same year he also published Les Châteaux en Californie ou Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse.
  • Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy published his first work, the narrative childhood in which he blends fictional and autobiographical elements.
  • Jeremias Gotthelf wrote the story Barthli the Korber.


  • Friedrich Hebbel's tragedy Agnes Bernauer has its world premiere in Munich. It is controversial from the outset with the critics, however, a popular success.


  • The last edition of which was founded by Louise Otto Women's Newspaper - An institution for higher female interests will appear in Gera.

Scientific works

  • April 29: In Britain, the 15,000 -word Thesaurus by Peter Mark Roget, who subsequently rapidly triggers reprints due to high demand appears.


  • January 4: Mite Kremnitz, German writer († 1916)
  • JANUARY 12: Hugo Zöller, German explorer and journalist († 1933)
  • February 13: Ion Luca Caragiale, Romanian writer († 1912)
  • February 24: George Moore, Irish writer († 1933)
  • March 5: Isabella Augusta Gregory, Irish writer († 1932)
  • MARCH 13: Oscar Blumenthal, German writer and playwright († 1917)
  • APRIL 12: Agnes Sapper, German writer († 1929)
  • APRIL 17: Ida Boy-Ed, German writer († 1928)
  • April 25: Leopoldo Alas ( Clarín ), Spanish writer († 1901)
  • May 4: Alice Liddell, a template for the heroine in Alice in Wonderland († 1934)
  • July 14: Walter Robert - Tornow, German translator († 1895)
  • September 2: Paul Bourget, French poet and critic († 1935)
  • October 1: Richard Kralik, Austrian writer and philosopher († 1934)
  • October 16: Karl Ludwig Schemann, German writer, translator and researcher race († 1938)
  • October 22: Adam Müller- Guttenbrunn, Austrian writer and theater director († 1923)
  • OCTOBER 28: Theodor Fritsch, German publicist anti -Semitic literature († 1933)
  • December 13: Emanuel Schreiber, an Austrian rabbi and writer († 1905)
  • Minas Tscheras, Armenian writer and teacher († 1929)


  • January 6: Louis Braille, French inventor of the Braille ( Braille ) (* 1809)
  • January 24: Jan Kollár, Slovak poet and scholar (* 1793)
  • FEBRUARY 25: Thomas Moore, Irish writer (* 1779)
  • March 4: Nikolai Gogol, Russian writer (* 1809)
  • March 10: Armand Marrast French journalist (* 1801)
  • March 18: Friedrich Wilhelm Carove, German jurist, German scholar and philosopher (* 1789)
  • December 13: Karl Baldamus, German jurist, journalist, poet, storyteller and poet (* 1784)
  • Mirza - Schaffy, Azerbaijani poet (* 1794)