Agnico Eagle Mines Limited

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  • James D. Nasso, Chairman of the Board
  • Sean Boyd, Chief Executive Officer

Agnico -Eagle Mines Ltd.. (AEM ) is a mining company for gold exploration in Canada, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The company is listed on the stock index S & P / TSX 60 on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

AEM has been active in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario mainly in the north -west of Canada. New projects outside of Canada are in Kittila in Finland and Pinos Altos in Mexico. On 14 February 2007 AEM announced that they have acquired the Canadian mining company Cumberland Resources. Cumberland Resources, like AEM specializes in gold mining and in particular encourage the Meadowbank project in Nunavut gold.


1953 did five mining companies together to Cobalt Consolidated Mining, which was renamed in Agnico Mines 1957. The name Agnico is an acronym composed of the element symbols for silver (Ag ), nickel (Ni) and cobalt ( Co).

Pictures of Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
