Climate change denial

As climate ( change ) skeptics or (mostly derogatory ) climate ( change ) are deniers to denote those who dispute in the controversy surrounding global warming a human influence on climate change, do not consider relevant or minimize the consequences to be relevant, or ( especially up in the 1990s) a climate change ever deny. In this context, it is next to a distinction between " trend ", " causes " and " impact skeptics ": a trend skeptic denies the Erderwärmungstrend generally, a cause skeptics doubt the causation of human activity on the present global warming and a follow- skeptic doubts the in science probable specified consequences of global warming.

Social implications

Simon Kuper wrote in 2011 during the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, that this apparent lack of willingness to act in the world community does not come into existence come through the few remaining climate skeptics in science. It is a fundamental mistake to believe, as political decisions on how to deal with climate change have to do with scientific findings.

Kuper refers to Daniel Sarewitz ' thesis that political interest and will to create on an issue such as the environment in the 1970s were much more important than time in comparison to today much less knowledge to do so. It is also in climate policy is not more research but more political effort necessary. For existing political conflicts of interest should be held open to get out of the currently existing dilemma.

The sociologist Matthew Nisbet According to the general approach to climate policy and climate change, whether skeptical or advocating getting in the U.S. as firearms legislation, tax policy and abortion rights, the role of political and social crossroads. Mike Hulme also leads back to the background of dealing with climate change skepticism and not on science but on different worldviews and beliefs. But that is the way to convince each other on such issues with scientific arguments, very limited.

Kuper also emphasizes that although were the followers of the man-made climate change significantly outnumber the skeptics. Essential for the global inaction on climate issues but the lack of willingness to act of the majority, the government is simply included.

Measures and action against climate skepticism and climate skeptics

A brochure of the German Federal Environment Agency also contains a chapter on journalists in Germany, the causes and consequences of climate change challenge. It presents Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian Luning; Dirk Maxeiner and Michael Miersch, Günter Ederer and the "European Institute for Climate and Energy ( EIKE ) ". Henryk M. Broder, who runs a joint blog with Maxeiner and Miersch, described this publication as a denunciation and government interference in the freedom of the press that would remind him of the Reich Chamber of Culture.

Climate Change name is an initiative in cooperation with the organization, which has for content the disclosure of the names of politicians who doubt climate change. The initiative published the end of August 2013, a humorous video, which proposes to name hurricanes after known climate change deniers. Be identified by name the U.S. politicians Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Paul Broun, James Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Rick Perry, Collin Peterson, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Lamar Smith and David Vitter. On the website are additionally Martha Roby, Mo Brooks, Robert Aderholt, Spencer Bachus, Richard Shelby, Don Young, Trent Franks, Paul Gosar, Rick Crawford, Timothy Griffin, John Boozman, Ken Calvert, Jeff Denham, Devin Nunes, Dana Rohrabacher, John Campbell, Mario Diaz- Balart, Rand Paul, Steve Scalise, Bill Cassidy, Mary Landrieu, Fred Upton, Joe Heck, Michael Grimm, Tim Scott, Joe Barton, Ted Poe, and Morgan Griffith called. The video was available until the end of September 2013, two million times. The journalist Andrew Revkin noted in the New York Times critically that he considered the video in spite of good intentions as problematic because of the link between global warming and increased hurricane was not yet firmly established.
