Julia Gardiner Tyler

Julia Gardiner Tyler ( born July 23, 1820 Long Iceland, New York, † July 10, 1889 in Richmond ) was the second wife of the tenth U.S. President John Tyler and was the First Lady of the United States June 26, 1844 to 4 March. 1845.

She was the daughter of Juliana McLachlan and David Gardiner; Julia was descended from wealthy and prominent New York families. From an early age she was prepared for her life in the higher social classes. 1842 the family moved to Washington, where she met John Tyler. Julia and the President got to know each other in dramatic circumstances: at the screening of a new gun called the Peacemaker on a frigate it came to the explosion of the gun, while Tyler, Julia and some other guests were staying below deck. Among the eight casualties of the explosion was also Julia's father. The wedding with the president took place in 1844, at age 24, Julia was up to this point youngest First Lady of the United States.

Julia and John Tyler had seven children together. including the son of David Gardiner Tyler (1846-1927) of 1893-1897 represented the state of Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives. Her last years she spent in Richmond and was buried at the local Hollywood Cemetery.
