
Kamennomostski (Russian Каменномостский; Adyghe Хьэджыкъ, Хьаджыкъо ) is a settlement in the Republic of Adygea (Russia) with 7213 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ).


The settlement is situated about 35 km as the crow south of the Republic capital Maikop on both sides of the Kuban Creek Belaya in the area of the rock ridge ( Skalisty Chrebet ) on the northern edge of the Greater Caucasus, the south-east of the town reached heights of over 1000 m.

Kamennomostski belongs to Rajon Maikopski and is located just 25 km south of its headquarters Tulski. It is the seat of the rural community Kamennomostskoje selskoje posselenije to the except of Kamennomostski was the settlement Pobeda and the hamlet ( Chutor ) Wessjoly belong. Colloquially Kamennomostski is often referred to as Chadschoch, a Russified version of the ancient Adyge place name and the name of the railway station of the town.


In place of the old Adyge Auls Chadschiko arose during the Caucasus War 1817-1864 in a strategically important point of access to the upper valley of the Belaya in 1862 a Cossack defense posts, the 1864 Staniza Kamennomostskaja (of Russian Kamenny most for, Stone Bridge ') was charged. From 1873 to 1914 the place had the status of a to 8 km south Staniza Dachowskaja settlement.

1948 Kamennomostskaja received the status of an urban-type settlement, since the 1960s, under the present form of the name. Since 2011 it is a rural settlement again.


Note: Census data


In Kamennomostski is the endpoint of a from Maikop in 1931 and extended in 1970 electrified railway from Belorechensk ( station name Chadschoch, kilometer 64). Through the town, the regional road R254, the further the Belaya up into leads coming from Maikop about Tulski in the Caucasus Dachowskaja to the small town of Guseripl runs.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Olesja Aliyeva ( born 1977 ), alpine skier