List of Prime Ministers of Portugal

The following list includes the government of Portugal since the victory of the Constitutionalists (Liberal ) in Miguelistenkrieg ( 1828-1834 ) to the present.

Kingdom of Portugal: Prime Minister of Constitutional Monarchy (1834-1910)

Title: Chairman of the Council of Ministers - Presidente do Conselho dos Ministros

First Republic (1911-1926)

Title: Chairman of the Provisional Government - Presidente do Governo PROVISORIO

Title: Chairman of the Ministry - Presidente do Ministério

Military dictatorship (1926-1932)

Title: Chairman of the Ministry - Presidente do Ministério

Estado Novo (1932-1974)

Title: Chairman of the Council of Ministers - Presidente do Conselho de Cabinet Ministers

Third Republic ( after 1974 )

Title: Prime Minister ( First Minister ) - Primeiro Ministro
