Mo Udall

Morris King " Mo" Udall ( born June 15, 1922 in St. Johns, Arizona, † December 12, 1998 in Washington, DC ) was an American politician (Democratic Party), which in the state of Arizona from 1961 to 1991 U.S. House of Representatives sat. The tall man was before his political career professional basketball player for the Denver Nuggets. Convinced of the environmental policy was known for his liberal views and his humor.

The reporter David Broder referred to him as well as " too funny to be president", also the title of Udall's autobiography in the 1980s. 1976 Udall had very nearly lost the primaries for the presidential nomination against the eventual incumbent Jimmy Carter. In 1996 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

His brother Stewart Lee Udall was Interior Minister under John F. Kennedy. Udall's son Mark represented the state of Colorado from 1999 to 2009 in the U.S. House of Representatives before moving to the Senate within the Congress.

Point Udall, the westernmost point of the United States, is named after him.
