Operation Grenadier

The operation Grenadier was a series of 17 U.S. nuclear weapons tests in 1984 and 1985 carried out at the Nevada Test Site in Nevada. All tests were conducted underground.

Trying Tierra served the test of B83 - hydrogen bomb newly developed.

Trying Cottage was part of the development of an X -ray lasers as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative. This laser should be driven by a nuclear explosion. The development was later discontinued.

During the trial, Misty Rain was released in a controlled radioactive material. But the main purpose of the experiment was to test effects of radiation on parts of MK21 reentry body and satellites. For this purpose, they were positioned approximately 300 meters from the detonation removed in a vacuum chamber. The chamber was protected by pressure goals against the force of the explosion and should simulate conditions such as in space.

The individual tests of the Grenadier series
