Operation Teapot

Operation Teapot was the eleventh series of American nuclear tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site early 1955. A total of 14 nuclear tests took place.

The aim of the operation was to test new nuclear weapons with low and medium explosive force.

During the Wasp tests took about 8,000 soldiers participated in the maneuvers " Desert Rock VI ". During the exercise, a battle group of 109 soldiers moved about 900 meters to the forming mushroom cloud approach.

The individual tests of the Teapot Series

The tests were named after insects, fruits or vegetables, inventors or streets in San Francisco.


Soldiers during the maneuver Desert Rock VI.

Operation Teapot - dining

Operation Teapot - Zucchini

Operation Teapot - MET

Photographers during the Wasp prime test

One of the bomb used towers (152 meters)

Filming of the test
