United Nations Security Council Resolution 1985

Resolution 1985 of the UN Security Council adopted on 10 June 2011, Recalling the resolutions 825, 1540, 1695, 1718, 1874, 1887 and 1928. The resolutions referred to treat all the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and usually have a reference to North Korea.

The Security Council again found that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to international peace and international security constitutes a danger. He also repeated his claim that the reports of the inserted specifically for that matter experts council must include reliable and objective assessments, analysis and recommendations.

The Security Council extended its mandate of Resolution 1874 to monitor sanctions against the government of North Korea, which had been issued after the underground nuclear test in 2009. The expertise is to deliver to the Security Council until 12 November 2011, a first and 30 days before the end of the mandate of a second report.
