United Nations Security Council Resolution 1967

Resolution 1967 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council on 19 January 2011 unanimously. It deals with the situation in the government crisis in the Ivory Coast.


The Security Council increased the number of soldiers of the Opération des Nations Unies en Côte d' Ivoire ( UNOCI ) to 2,000 to 11,800 men.

In addition, the Security Council called upon all parties concerned to respect the freedom of movement and safety of UNOCI. In addition, the country's media especially the former state broadcaster Radio Télévision diffusion were ivoirienne (RTI ) were asked to refrain from sending false reports of the UNOCI.


Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych announced at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on February 2, the dislocation Ukrainian UN soldiers from Liberia to the Ivory Coast, referring to Resolution 1967.
